Nia Haf Photography

Just another WordPress site

Sneak Preview!

Only one image for you today, as this is a photo story I am currently working on for the magazine. Basically, the subject is ‘Transport’ and I am looking at Trains, Boats and the concept of Waiting for transport. This image is from the La Paz train station, which has been abandoned for its true purpose. They are currently using the site to build the ‘teleferico’ station on- these are the brand new, shiny cable cars which are soon to grace the hills of La Paz and El Alto. Whilst Alison, a fellow intern, is looking into this story- I am focusing upon the abandonment of train stations and tracks in Bolivia. Luckily for us, Ivan- a Bolivian who works on the magazine has recently been commissioned to photographically document the construction of the ‘teleferico’ and we were therefore granted access to an otherwise unaccessible location. So, lets call this an image of the day post!


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